



Broker Expo Opens

09:00 - 09:10


Navigating digital transformation amidst rapidly changing consumer expectations.

09:00 - 09:10

In today’s marketplace insurance consumers measure broker service against their digital experience in every other industry, changing not only the competitive environment for the independent broker but the nature of risk. Join this session to evaluate how customer expectations are transforming the insurance landscape and opportunities for brokers to harness technology to understand customers, improve the service experience and drive long term growth for their organisation.

Joe Sultana

Managing Director, Broker Solutions

Applied Systems UK

Joe is responsible for broker relationships and support services for Applied’s UK business. He came to Applied Systems in August 2013 following the acquisition of Insurecom Limited.

He has held senior positions in IT and broking sectors spanning 30 years and has unique insight into how technology can be utilised to improve the industry and the broker market.

Adam Khalifa

Head of EMEA Financial Service


Adam manages the relationship between Google and EMEA banks and insurers. He's also responsible for working with all of Google's product areas like pay, assistant, cloud and search.

Prior to his current role, Adam helped launch payment company Stripe in the UK. Before that, he managed UK banking business for Google and launched a US software start-up in the UK (Wildfire) which was sold to Google in 2012.

Business based on partnerships

09:00 - 09:10


In an ever-changing world how do we work in partnership to help Mid-Market businesses continue to flourish and provide peace of mind that what matters most is protected today, tomorrow and in the future?

  • Learn how a whole customer underwriting approach can simplify and drive greater efficiencies for you and your clients

  • Understand how you can win and retain mid-market customers through access to data and analytics to facilitate customised insurance solutions based on timely advice, value and certainty.

  • Mid-Market businesses often are too small to have in-house risk managers, discuss how can we work together to establish long term partnerships beyond insurance protection.

  • Discuss how we can work together to help mitigate losses before they happen to provide you and your mid-markets with a competitive edge in an uncertain world.

Tom North

Head of Corporate and Mid-Market Client Relationship Management


David Carey

Head of Mid-Market


Dave joined Aviva on 1st June 2017, to develop and accelerate their growth ambitions in the UK Mid-Market space. Dave previously worked for Zurich, most recently as Director of UK Regional Business, and prior to that held roles as the Head of Real Estate and Head of Corporate for Zurich’s UK business.

Married to Elaine , with two girls, Gaby (24) and Holly (17). He’s an avid Manchester United fan and loves playing golf (badly!), running, going to the gym and travelling.

Ian Stutz

Managing Director


Ian Stutz has worked in the Insurance Industry for 37 years. He spent 10 years as part of the Senior Management Team at Aon, culminating in a role on the UK Corporate Board. For the last 11 years he has operated in the Independent Broker market as a shareholder and board member of Brokerbility Holdings Limited which includes responsibility for Brokerbility and the fully owned independent brokers BHIB & Churchill. In addition to that Ian has acted for 7 years as lead consultant for Baker Street Consultancy during which time he has developed a deep understanding of the issues facing the Independent Community, Niche and Specialist Brokers.

Warren Baldwin

Berns Brett


Warren has worked at Berns Brett in commercial broking for over 20 years.  Primarily responsible for client service, Warren is responsible for ensuring the company obtained chartered status. His role encompasses retention and growth of corporate business within the UK, along with the development of strong insurer relationships. Warren has experience across all lines of commercial business and is ACII qualified.

Machine learning: transform your business performance

09:00 - 09:10

  • Learn how to apply Machine Learning to optimise your KPI’s

  • Discover how to augment current operational methods to take advantage of the technology and learning available.

  • Identify new areas of learning from combined data to pinpoint key themes and profiles to:

  • Better assess the criteria and value of a risk and rate

  • Understand client value and likely trends

  • Manage possible fraudulent behaviour

Tom Murphy


Machine Learning Programs

Tom is a serial entrepreneur and has been behind some of the largest websites in Ireland. Tom has years of experience of running coding teams and projects which gives him the ability to operate in the code-mines with DBA's and coders as happily as presenting to a board of directors. His current role is Chief Executive Officer at Machine Learning Programs (MLP), where with 2 other members founded MLP in February 2018.

Simon Badley


Open GI

Simon joined Open GI in July 2019 and has overall responsibility for setting the business strategy and liaising with our investors. Simon, who has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services and software industries, joins us from Iress where he was UK CEO and previously CEO of private equity backed Avelo. Prior to this, Simon held a number of senior leadership roles across Sales, Marketing and Operations with Aviva.


Content Zone Four

Managing the value chain, managing the money

09:00 - 09:10

  • With increased scrutiny being placed on the sector, and a sense from consumers that they pay too much for what they get, what questions should we be looking at regarding value chain management?

  • Is it right that leads are being sold in the way that they are?
    Exploring strategies for better, tighter value chain management

  • Determining where digitisation of insurance has the opportunities to make the value chain work better and more effectively, and what the implications of this are for the ways we are working today.


The impact that new technologies have on your customers policies

09:00 - 09:10

Learn how integrated technology in a policy can help your customer prevent against a claim.

  • How will technology be developed into insurance policies, for both commercial and personal lines?

  • Is the insurance sector ready for the culture shift to risk prevention?

  • How do you translate IoT data into effective strategies for your business and your customers’ policies?

John Price

Managing Director


Referred to as the Scheme Specialist and a Leading Light from the world of Schemes by Insurance Age Magazine, John likes to remind us that he wrote the original implementation spec for Chip and Pin in the UK and that he runs the biggest Microsoft user group this side of the Atlantic, NxtGenUG.  More recently John has become a mentor for the Lloyds Innovation Lab, an initiative to help start ups connect with the right people in the industry.

Ray Westwick

Managing Director

Freedom Brokers

Ray brings over 25 years of insurance sector experience to the team.  Prior to joining Freedom, Ray was Head of Operations at Ageas’ insurance sales service for affinity & brand partners where he was instrumental in driving technological advances.

During this period Ray was responsible for leading the successful migration of multiple affinity brands to Ageas, including Toyota, John Lewis, AIG and General Motors.

Ray’s strengths lie in strategic development of the operation, focusing on continuous improvement, process design, regulation and governance, effective planning, sales performance and award-winning service delivery.

Sara Fardon

Managing Director

Willis Towers Watson Networks

Sara Fardon is the Managing Director of Willis Towers Watson Networks, a position she has held since 2011. Sara has had a distinguished career in insurance working within household names, before joining Willis Towers Watson. Sara then took the helm at their Network division as it was starting out and has guided it to deliver over £400 million GWP into the markets.

Sara invests in the future: she ensured Networks was the first Network to achieve Chartered Status and proudly continue to hold this recognition. As Network celebrated 20 years of delivering to its Network Members, Sara has embraced the digital future pushing Networks to the forefront of this opportunity.

She is keen to ensure her Network delivers solutions for the independent insurance broker of tomorrow and deploys the resources of Willis Towers Watson to back her Network.

In addition to her all-encompassing role within the Network Sara is a member of the BIBA Networks and MGA Advisory committee, and a very active member of the Worshipful Company of Insurers.

Away from work Sara is a very active volunteer in her local community and relaxes at her allotment turning new season produce into delicious dishes.

Exploring the risk of aggregators on micro SMEs

09:00 - 09:10

Since the introduction of comparison websites in the early noughties personal lines brokers have seen a massive reduction in clients. Discover how you can innovate to ensure that you keep your client base.

  • Uncover how innovating through technology can give your clients digital touch points to their policy, allowing them to develop a relationship with you, their broker.

  • Pushing value over pricing

  • What do we expect to see happen in the commercial lines area, with small businesses finding cheaper insurance from comparison websites, which may not meet the brief that they need?

Steve Green


Anthony Jones and Arlington Insurance

Steve joined Anthony Jones and Arlington Insurance Services as a director from Zurich Insurance, where he spent 29 years in a variety of leadership positions within its UK General Insurance business. Steve was responsible for developing Zurich’s major corporate customer proposition and as head of its corporate business segment.

Steve had considerable expertise in sales and distribution within general insurance and with broker and customer propositions. Since his shift from insurer to broker he has focused on digital transformation and online visibility within the SME space.

He is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and a member of the Insurance Brokers Standards Committee within the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA).

Simon Mabb

Group Managing Director

Romero Insurance

Following their acquisition of Romero Insurance Brokers, Simon was appointed Head of Regions for Assured Partners UK, in June 2024. 


In addition to this, Simon retains his position as Group Managing Director of The Romero Group with a commission income of £23m since 2008.  Simon has worked with Justin Romero-Trigo (Founder), Victoria Romero-Trigo and the rest of the management team for over 16 years joining the business when it had a commission income of just over £3m.  


Prior to joining Romero Simon held various positions within AXA Insurance including National Schemes Manager and Regional Manager for the Leeds area.  Having started as an ‘A’ Level Trainee in the commercial administration department for Provincial Insurance in Haverhill, Suffolk. 


While at Romero Simon co-founded an Insurtech business called Booking Protect which offered event and theatre goers a ticket insurance product if they were unable to attend.  Before selling the business in July 22 he was able to secure many worldwide clients including Ticketmaster.  


Simon is passionate about customer service and people.  Keeping and winning customers is the heart and soul of any business.  However, having the best people that are motivated and enjoy what they do is the only way to deliver long-term results and fantastic service for our customers.  


Simon also works closely with BIBA siting on the Large Broker Advisory Board.  Outside of work Simon is a big motorsport watcher and Tottenham Hotspurs fan.  Simon is married with a 14-year-old daughter and lives in Leeds.  

Ashwin Mistry OBE

Executive Chairman

Brokerbility Holdings and BHIB Insurance Brokers

Ashwin has over 40 years’ experience in general insurance and broking, starting off his career at Guardian Royal Exchange at age 17 and first became a Director at Brett and Randall in 1983.

Following B&R’s organic success, Ashwin was instrumental in establishing the highly respected Brokerbility network, an alliance of staunch Independent Brokers.

After leading a Management Buy Out in 2009, the BHL group grew substantially and earlier this year, joined forces with the Clear Insurance Group.

Ashwin is a prominent member of the local community whilst still actively managing a client book. He was a member of the National Skills Task Force, under the then Secretary of State, Rt Hon David Blunkett, looking at the issue of skill shortages for UK Plc. In 2000, he was awarded an OBE for his contribution to Careers Education.

In 2014-15, Ashwin became the National President of the Chartered Insurance Institute.

Ashwin’s passion is to speak out on issues impacting all aspects of the ever-changing Insurance landscape and championing client Issues.


Zoe Edwards, Operations Assistant


Tel: 0116 281 9215

The future of automotive broking; the impact on your business?

09:00 - 09:59

Learn the impact that driverless cars will have on brokers, in both personal and commercial lines

  • Understand the developments in the automotive broking industry, where are the current trends and issues

  • What impact will driverless cars have on the broking industry

  • Evaluate how you can prepare for the biggest change to face motor broking

Ray Westwick

Managing Director

Freedom Brokers

Ray brings over 25 years of insurance sector experience to the team.  Prior to joining Freedom, Ray was Head of Operations at Ageas’ insurance sales service for affinity & brand partners where he was instrumental in driving technological advances.

During this period Ray was responsible for leading the successful migration of multiple affinity brands to Ageas, including Toyota, John Lewis, AIG and General Motors.

Ray’s strengths lie in strategic development of the operation, focusing on continuous improvement, process design, regulation and governance, effective planning, sales performance and award-winning service delivery.

Andrew Yeoman

CEO and Co-Founder


Andy is the CEO of Concirrus, the market leader in advanced data analytics. Andy has established himself as a thought-leader specialising in delivering value to all areas of the insurance market using technology for dynamic portfolio management. Andy has a proven track record in executive management, telematics, big data and insurance with extensive experience in fast-growth business strategies, turnarounds, and M&A. Andy has spent many years working with insurers across both commercial and personal lines to transform their businesses through the adoption of technology.

Prior to Concirrus, Andy was Managing Director at Trimble Navigation where he expanded the business across Europe, America and Asia through both organic and acquisitive growth. He has enjoyed a career working in Europe, America and Asia. Andrew also holds non-executive directorships and chairman roles and performs regular consulting with the VC and PE industry.

Andy loves a bit of healthy competition and is a regular competitor in the weekend Parkrun – watch out, he’s quick over 5kms!

Leon Bosch

Managing Director- Automotive


With nearly two decades of sector-specific experience and technical expertise, Leon Bosch leads and manages Gallagher’s multi-disciplinary UK Automotive Practice, across its nationwide network of specialist broking teams.

Having started his career in South Africa, supporting the automotive sector with all its insurance and risk management requirements, Leon relocated to the UK over 10 years ago, where Gallagher provides tailored risk solutions to all spheres of the motor trade sector from large multi-franchised multinational dealerships, non-franchised dealerships and accident/body repairers to MOT stations, mechanical servicing, SMART repairers, and tyre and exhaust fitment centres.

Leon is a member of the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), an avid motor enthusiast and an active supporter of the automotive charity ‘Ben’ – the Motor & Allied Trades Benevolent Fund, with a keen interest in evolving technology and how it is shaping the future of the automotive sector.


Content Zone Four

Brexit: What comes next?

09:00 - 09:10

We have now entered the transition period of Brexit, and the impacts of Brexit have been felt. Learn from a brokers perspective of the impacts this can have on your business.

  • How will leaving the single market effect your clients business and their risk management portfolio?

  • With reduced access to insurance capability, and potential loss of the ability to deal with EU client. How are brokers dealing with the change in their business capability?

  • How do you ensure that you act in the customer’s best interest to insure that they get the right type of cover to suit them?

Craig Hulkes

Head of Risk and Compliance

Lockton International


AI and the intelligent Broker: How will AI change the service model?

09:00 - 09:10

As other service providing sectors use Artificial Intelligence to better engage with their customers, understand how this technology can enable you to enhance your interact with your customers.

  • Understand how AI can change the service model and allow improve engagement with customers

  • Explore the opportunity that AI and machine learning have in developing your knowledge of your customer

  • How can Brokers better interact with their clients through the claims process with the help of AI?

Steve O'Donnell

Chief Information Officer


Steve is an award-winning and highly regarded, board-level business transformation executive who has global-scale experience in M&A and Separation as well as building and restructuring systems, teams and processes within the Insurance, Construction, Professional Services, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, and Payments industries. He has significant experience in the Private Equity area having worked in a number of PE-backed businesses creating exceptional results. He has a proven track record of being successful in high complexity, badly broken environments where his steady-hand, strong stakeholder management, open communications style combined with hard-won vision and pragmatic strategy are essential characteristics.

He is the author of "What Every CIO Wants" a unique insight into the mind and motivations of senior IT and business managers. As a subject matter expert is credited as the initiator of the Data Centre Maturity Model adopted by the Green Grid. He holds patents in IT cooling technology.

Digitalising for the sake of it, what do your customers actually need?

09:00 - 09:10

As new technologies and products enter the market, understand what your business really needs. This session will explain how you can apply the right technology for your clients.

  • Learn how you can digitalize your company to provide the best touch points for your customers.

  • What technology would best help you with your business interaction?

  • How do you interact with your customers to enable them to understand your digital transformation journey?

Simon Harrow

Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation


Having spent 15 years working in retail and software, Simon made the move into the insurance industry last year, taking up the role of Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation at iGO4. With vast experience working in digital development, such as Head of Digital Development at Wm Morrison’s and as Co-Founder of cloud SaaS platform Elevaate, Simon has brought his skills in technology and marketing to iGO4 to help cement its position as a customer focused and innovative company.

Visit the IGO4 website

John Price

Managing Director


Referred to as the Scheme Specialist and a Leading Light from the world of Schemes by Insurance Age Magazine, John likes to remind us that he wrote the original implementation spec for Chip and Pin in the UK and that he runs the biggest Microsoft user group this side of the Atlantic, NxtGenUG.  More recently John has become a mentor for the Lloyds Innovation Lab, an initiative to help start ups connect with the right people in the industry.

Digitalising for the sake of it, what do your customers actually need?

09:00 - 09:10

As new technologies and products enter the market, understand what your business really needs. This session will explain how you can apply the right technology for your clients.

  • Learn how you can digitalize your company to provide the best touch points for your customers.

  • What technology would best help you with your business interaction?

  • How do you interact with your customers to enable them to understand your digital transformation journey?

Simon Harrow

Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation


Having spent 15 years working in retail and software, Simon made the move into the insurance industry last year, taking up the role of Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation at iGO4. With vast experience working in digital development, such as Head of Digital Development at Wm Morrison’s and as Co-Founder of cloud SaaS platform Elevaate, Simon has brought his skills in technology and marketing to iGO4 to help cement its position as a customer focused and innovative company.

Visit the IGO4 website

John Price

Managing Director


Referred to as the Scheme Specialist and a Leading Light from the world of Schemes by Insurance Age Magazine, John likes to remind us that he wrote the original implementation spec for Chip and Pin in the UK and that he runs the biggest Microsoft user group this side of the Atlantic, NxtGenUG.  More recently John has become a mentor for the Lloyds Innovation Lab, an initiative to help start ups connect with the right people in the industry.


Content Zone Four

How do you get clients to understand that insurance isn’t the last thing on their list?

09:00 - 09:10

As transactions and acquisitions happen to your client business, understand what impact the changing business market can have on your client’s policies.

  • How do you best educate your customer to ensure that insurance is the first thing on their list?

  • As companies expand into different geographical areas, learn how you can better evaluate their risk across an international stage.

  • Understand your client’s business matrix to better comprehend your client.

Nigel Salisbury

CEO Retail Specialty

PIB Insurance


Lunch, networking and sponsored roundtables

09:00 - 09:20


The power of data in predicting cancellations

09:00 - 09:10


How can data help meet the challenge of customers that cancel early?

Learn how data can help address this major industry problem by identifying those individuals most likely to cancel.

Understand which key behaviours drive early or unexpected cancellations, and the methods used to uncover these insights.

Martyn Mathews

Sr. Director, Personal Lines, UK&I Insurance

LexisNexis Risk Solutions UK&I

Martyn Mathews serves as Senior Director, Motor Insurance, LexisNexis Risk Solutions UK&I. Martyn Mathews joined LexisNexis Risk Solutions in October 2016 through the acquisition of Insurance Initiatives Limited (IIL), and is currently tasked with developing and executing the sales, alliances and customer delivery strategy. Prior to LexisNexis, he worked for Experian for 14 years in a variety of roles, most recently as Head of Vertical for Insurance, Life, Pensions & Investments. Mathews also spent time with Vodafone Corporate and the logistics company TNT Mail.

Explore the impact of a hardening market

09:00 - 09:10

As the broker market hardens, learn how your company can make sure that it keeps ahead of the market

  • Understand the factors that have lead us to a hardening market.
  • What impact has engaging in premium price competition, while streamlining operational models had on  maintain margins.
  • The impact of the reduction in E&O has had on your business
Nick Houghton

Group Managing Director

J.M. Glendinning Group

Managing Director – JM Glendinning Group Limited – December 2012 – present day

Managing Director – Broker Network Limited – December 2008 – Dec 2012

Managing Director – Towergate Professional Risks – May 2006 – December 2008

Nick started at Eagle Star in 1989.  Following a move to Newcastle in 1999 he joined Alfred Blackmore Group.  In 2005 he joined Towergate and over 7 years enjoyed several roles including running Towergate’s Network Division. 

In 2012 Nick decided to return to his broking roots by joining JM Glendinning Group as Managing Director.  Over the last few years he has taken income from £2m to over £6m and established a group with 8 businesses and 7 offices.  JM Glendinning is now rated in the Top 75 brokers in the UK. 

Out of work Nick’s time is spent with his wife and 2 children, painting, golfing and gardening.   

Ashwin Mistry OBE

Executive Chairman

Brokerbility Holdings and BHIB Insurance Brokers

Ashwin has over 40 years’ experience in general insurance and broking, starting off his career at Guardian Royal Exchange at age 17 and first became a Director at Brett and Randall in 1983.

Following B&R’s organic success, Ashwin was instrumental in establishing the highly respected Brokerbility network, an alliance of staunch Independent Brokers.

After leading a Management Buy Out in 2009, the BHL group grew substantially and earlier this year, joined forces with the Clear Insurance Group.

Ashwin is a prominent member of the local community whilst still actively managing a client book. He was a member of the National Skills Task Force, under the then Secretary of State, Rt Hon David Blunkett, looking at the issue of skill shortages for UK Plc. In 2000, he was awarded an OBE for his contribution to Careers Education.

In 2014-15, Ashwin became the National President of the Chartered Insurance Institute.

Ashwin’s passion is to speak out on issues impacting all aspects of the ever-changing Insurance landscape and championing client Issues.


Zoe Edwards, Operations Assistant


Tel: 0116 281 9215

Simon Mabb

Group Managing Director

Romero Insurance

Following their acquisition of Romero Insurance Brokers, Simon was appointed Head of Regions for Assured Partners UK, in June 2024. 


In addition to this, Simon retains his position as Group Managing Director of The Romero Group with a commission income of £23m since 2008.  Simon has worked with Justin Romero-Trigo (Founder), Victoria Romero-Trigo and the rest of the management team for over 16 years joining the business when it had a commission income of just over £3m.  


Prior to joining Romero Simon held various positions within AXA Insurance including National Schemes Manager and Regional Manager for the Leeds area.  Having started as an ‘A’ Level Trainee in the commercial administration department for Provincial Insurance in Haverhill, Suffolk. 


While at Romero Simon co-founded an Insurtech business called Booking Protect which offered event and theatre goers a ticket insurance product if they were unable to attend.  Before selling the business in July 22 he was able to secure many worldwide clients including Ticketmaster.  


Simon is passionate about customer service and people.  Keeping and winning customers is the heart and soul of any business.  However, having the best people that are motivated and enjoy what they do is the only way to deliver long-term results and fantastic service for our customers.  


Simon also works closely with BIBA siting on the Large Broker Advisory Board.  Outside of work Simon is a big motorsport watcher and Tottenham Hotspurs fan.  Simon is married with a 14-year-old daughter and lives in Leeds.  

Martyn Denney

Managing Director


Martyn is the Managing Director of Aon’s Affinity business in the UK, who concentrate in providing insurance solutions for consumers and SME businesses. Martyn has worked in the financial services for over 20 years, with experience ranging from start-up and SME through to Global businesses at an executive level. Martyn’s current focus is on high growth sectors, including the gig/ sharing economy, working with Insurtech providers to offer insurance that can help enable growth.

Unlocking your potential: how to get the best out of your skillset?

09:00 - 09:10

Gain an insight into how you can unlock your employees potential to help them develop in their careers through the use of best practice

  • Explore how to keep employees engaged with the industry through career development and training

  • Learn how to retain your staff both new and old

  • How can you un-tap the unlocked potential which you have in your workforce?

Grant Georgiades

The Plan Group

Managing Director

After graduating from Manchester University with a first class degree in 2003, Grant launched a successful media career. In 2006 Grant was tempted back into the family insurance business by the challenge of overhauling the company’s marketing activities. Having worked at TPG to support his education, Grant already had a thorough understanding of the workings of both the company and the industry. 

Grant quickly removed the firm’s reliance on traditional marketing channels offering diminishing returns and established it as a forward thinking, digitally minded broker. Working within a small, close knit and dynamic management team Grant has played a significant role in developing TPG’s overall business strategy. In November 2017, after 11 years as Marketing Director, Grant stepped up to become Group MD with a remit to deliver significant growth.


Content Zone Four

Merger and acquisition: how to get the best deal for both you and your business?

09:00 - 09:10

As the market consolidates, understand what the right move for your company is and how you can execute the right business plan from people who have done it

  • Apprehend what deal best suits your situation and how you can make the most out of your business proposition.

  • How do you ensure that cultures fit, and all parties feel part of a growing and happy business?

  • How do you choose an offer, beyond the price?

  • How can you be instrumental in a management buy-out?

Peter Blanc

Global Head of M&A


Peter Blanc ACII is Head of M&A, Howden Group Holdings. He is based at Howden’s head office at One Creechurch Place in London.

Heading up Howden’s mergers and acquisition strategy allows Peter to fulfil his ambition of making Howden the world’s leading independent (re)insurance broker, employee benefits advisor and MGA.

With over 100 acquisitions of insurance broking and MGA businesses during his career, Peter is an industry veteran with decades of experience behind him. Notably, after starting his career in motor underwriting and then building his own commercial insurance brokerage, Peter has led three successful private equity exit events, totalling over £1.5 billion.  As CEO at Oval, he led the sale for £210m to Gallagher in 2014, and as Group CEO of Aston Lark, he led a round 1 sale for £325m in 2019 to Goldman Sachs and Aston Lark’s final exit to Howden for £1.1 billion in 2021.

Alongside these leadership roles, Peter has served as non-executive chairman of Hastings Insurance Services Ltd, as chairman of the Large Brokers’ Advisory Board at the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA) and in 2022 he served as President of the Chartered Insurance Institute. Peter has recently been reappointed to the BIBA Large Broker’s Advisory Board.

Peter is a passionate advocate of expert-led insurance leadership, employee-owned businesses and the Early Careers Programme; in short, using his own experiences and expertise to help make a difference to those around him.

Peter lives in Colchester, Essex, where he is a proud husband and the father of three grown-up children. He can often be found keeping fit on a bicycle, going to the gym, or mucking out his daughter’s horses! 

Tom Bartleet


Erskine Murray

Tom is the former owner and CEO of Erskine Murray Insurance Brokers.  Erskine Murray’s foundations were laid around 40 years ago and now has 3 offices and coverage across England specialising in Business insurance, High Net Worth, and Employee Benefits.  Erskine Murray control around £30m of premium and have more than 70 staff. 

Prior to acquiring his own broker, Tom spent 20 years at Willis.  His roles included broking large international property clients in the London market and leading Willis’ global terrorism business.  He was the CEO of their US wholesale division in London and Bermuda, leading placement in the USA with a 2 year secondment to NY, returning to lead the SME segment globally.  His final role was to lead placement for the International division controlling £7.5bn of premium.

Tom was educated at Haileybury College and the University of Manchester where he graduated with a 2.1 in Economics.  Married with 3 teenage boys he is a keen skier and dog walker and sports enthusiast with his children.  Unusually he enjoys insurance and is a big fan of technology at home and in the office.

Graham Coates

Chief Operating Officer

Hamilton Fraser

Graham started his insurance career with RSA and subsequently  AXA . After a series of senior positions, he joined Stuart Alexander in 2002 and was part of the management team that negotiated their sale to Axa in 2007 and the ultimate creation of Bluefin where he held the position of Managing Director. Since 2014 Graham has held the position of Chief Operating Officer at Hamilton Fraser, a specialist broker in the private rented  and cosmetic & aesthetic treatment sectors

Prior to Hamilton Fraser, Graham worked as a consultant for a variety of businesses including Aviva, Bollington & Jelf.


Graham is also a Non-Executive Director at Rural & Commercial Holdings, part of the Primary Group


Graham enjoys spending time with his family - 3 children and 3 grandkids. He also enjoys travelling, cycling, skiing, music festivals, good food & wine  and reminiscing about the glory years at Leeds United 1965-75, 1990-1993,  1999-2003…..and 2019


Insurtech, a new way of thinking

09:00 - 09:20

With new InsurTechs entering the market every year, understand from the new entreprenuers of the industry their view on the developments and issues within your market

  • See how InsurTech view your industry differently and how can you learn from this.

  • What new technologies are being used to disrupt the industry

  • What can brokers and InsurTech learn from each other?

Laurence Hunter

Insurance Lead


Laurence Hunter, Insurance Lead at Laka 

Laka are creating the digital mutual insurer of the future by rearranging the insurance value chain in favour of the customer.

Prior to Laka Laurence had a career as broker in and around the Lloyd’s market and then most recently in the M&A team at Willis Towers Watson

Andrew Yeoman

CEO and Co-Founder


Andy is the CEO of Concirrus, the market leader in advanced data analytics. Andy has established himself as a thought-leader specialising in delivering value to all areas of the insurance market using technology for dynamic portfolio management. Andy has a proven track record in executive management, telematics, big data and insurance with extensive experience in fast-growth business strategies, turnarounds, and M&A. Andy has spent many years working with insurers across both commercial and personal lines to transform their businesses through the adoption of technology.

Prior to Concirrus, Andy was Managing Director at Trimble Navigation where he expanded the business across Europe, America and Asia through both organic and acquisitive growth. He has enjoyed a career working in Europe, America and Asia. Andrew also holds non-executive directorships and chairman roles and performs regular consulting with the VC and PE industry.

Andy loves a bit of healthy competition and is a regular competitor in the weekend Parkrun – watch out, he’s quick over 5kms!

Eva Berg-Winters



Eva is CEO and co-founder of Bewica. Bewica has been founded to help small businesses be more cyber secure with insurance as well as automated risk assessments and advice. Bewica has built a suite of tools to enable brokers to sell cyber insurance, including broker portal, white label and API integration. Prior to Bewica, Eva was Head of Claims for a UK insurer

Andy Thornley

Head of Financial Services

Tech UK

Andy started his career in the public sector, working in the NHS and two separate Executive Agencies of the Department for Health, including the £12.8bn NHS IT project. He began working in the insurance industry with the Motor Insurers' Bureau, responsible for the communications on industry databases and wider uninsured driving issues, before moving to the British Insurance Brokers' Association in 2013. Andy is responsible for public affairs at BIBA, helping to develop the trade association's policy and representing brokers' interests to the media, regulator, officials and Parliamentarians. Andy's brief at BIBA includes InsurTech and he is responsible for a cross-industry working group with the aim of fostering innovation within the industry.

First Car:

A 973cc Vauxhall Corsa that, as a student, I blew the engine up on!

If you had to carpool with any famous person (current or historical) who would it be? 

Stephen Fry – the man who knows everything about anything. He’s a natural story-teller and would make even the most monotonous journey interesting!

Twitter: @BIBAandy from @BIBAbroker


Changing cyber from a luxury to a necessity for micro SMEs

09:00 - 09:10

The majority of non-policy holders see cyber insurance as a luxury viewing their own personal security systems and firewalls as bullet proof. How can you make your customer understand, the necessity of the product?

  • How to educate your client so they understand the risk and hence the necessity of the product?

  • Developing the right level of care for your micro SMEs to ensure that they are fully covered for any eventualities.

  • How do you best educate your customers on their risk to cyber-attacks?

Ashley Rogoff

Managing director

Ashley Page

After an early career as a university lecturer in economics, where he was also an examiner for the Institute of Bankers & Trustee Savings Bank, Ashley left to establish an insurance & financial services brokerage in London & latterly in New York.  He was a non-executive director of Mysis Insurance Marketing & was responsible for the research which led to the establishment of one of the earliest life networks. He has been a past director of BIBA & for the past 6 years represented brokers at the FCA. The business remains fiercely independent and is a top 100 independent broker. The company specialises in commercial & high net worth insurance, although it also offers group benefits & private medical insurance. It recognised very early the importance of cyber risks & set up its own on-line quote & buy facility as a coverholder, available to both their own clients & other brokers.

Matt Drinkwater

Cyber & Financial Lines Underwriting Manager


With over 20 years’ experience in the insurance industry, Matt began his career underwriting cargo and freight insurance at Commercial Union, where he spent 3 years before joining NMU in 2000. Having spent 6 years as a Development Underwriter and 10 years as the Regional Manager in the North of England, he is now NMU’s Cyber & Financial Lines Underwriting Manager. Since his transition to Cyber, he has gained valuable experience and knowledge in this ever evolving class of business by working closely with NMU’s parent company, Munich Re, developing a SME cyber product which NMU successfully launched in May 2019.

Explore the right exit and succession for your company and your clients

09:00 - 09:10

As consolidation continues to happen in the market, learn how to successfully develop the right exit plan for your company and your employees.

  • Learn how you can ensure a smooth transition for your business and your key clients.

  • What is the best way to go about developing a succession and exit plan for your company?

  • How do you ensure that business is still healthy and developing during your exit plan, to help with the survival of the company and staff development post your departure?

  • Discover how management can buyout a company and what options they have?

Helen O'Niell

Commercial Manager

Ataraxia Broking

Helen is the Commercial Manager of Ataraxia, a unique succession support business for UK General Insurance Brokers. Coming from a Finance and broking background, Helen works exclusively in the independent broker space. Utilising her commercial broking experience to support the business, which has achieved over 40 brokerage succession plans during the the last 10 years. Observing that “one size doesn’t generally fit all” Helen applies “bespoke” planning to the succession dilemma. Helping brokers to identify ambition, gently release capital and construct a robust business plan to protect all the vital elements of a brokerage.

Bob Darling



Originally from the banking industry, Bob joined the Group in 2009 and became CEO in 2017. Backed by PE firm Livingbridge, he led a successful MBO of the group in September 2018. The retail side of the business, Coversure is primarily a franchise operation, with almost 100 offices in the UK. It offers entrepreneurial brokers the chance to run their own business in a marketplace where it is becoming increasingly difficult to set up small independent businesses. More recently, Coversure’s unique blend of support and products has meant that it’s become a good home for existing broker businesses looking for a stable and compliant future. Jensten Group Ltd also owns wholesale businesses Policyfast and CUL, offering a wide range of commercial products to the wider broker market via their own software house Datamatters.


When not working, Bob loves spending quality time with his family. When they don’t have time to spend with him, Bob can be found listening to great music and following his beloved Arsenal.


Content Zone Four

What you should know about high net worth insurance today

09:00 - 09:10

What you should know about high net worth insurance today.

Learn about making the most of the high net worth opportunity, right now, and find out how to add long term value to your brokerage with a pipeline of private clients.

  • How should we define today’s high net worth customer?
  • What are the big issues of the moment in high net worth insurance?
  • What are the current purchasing trends of high net worth individuals? And how are these trends affecting personal insurance needs?
  • How can brokers capitalise on the existing and emerging wealth in their client base?
Ade Ewington

Underwriting & Markets Director

Home and Legacy

Ade has 25 years’ experience in underwriting and product development, at CGNU and Allianz. He’s specialised in high net worth insurance for the last 15 of those, in charge of underwriting at Home & Legacy since 2010. As Underwriting & Markets Director, Ade’s broad sphere of responsibility includes underwriting, product and pricing strategy; managing the relationships with the insurers on Home & Legacy’s underwriting panel; as well as involvement in new business development and the day-to-day running of Home & Legacy.  


Broker Expo closes

09:00 - 09:10