Take part in Insurance Age's first ever Broker Choice Awards Survey 2018
Share your views on how insurers are performing for you in the first ever Broker Choice survey, brought to you by Insurance Age.
This questionnaire, which replaces the Sentiment Survey, examines the service which brokers are receiving from their insurers/MGAs across seven core aspects of service, whilst also inviting feedback on the key issues impacting the broking sector today.
Your invaluable input, combined with that of your broking peers, will determine the winners of November's inaugural Broker Choice Awards 2018.
This is your opportunity to give praise where it is due and highlight areas for improvement across the insurance market so don’t delay and complete the survey today.
An editorial analysis of the results and key findings will be published in Insurance Age following the awards presentation.
As a thank you all of the completing the survey [link to the survey] will be put into a draw for the chance to win one of three sets Amazon vouchers each worth £100.
Please note that:
All responses will be treated as anonymous and strictly confidential.
Comments are optional but your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Questions marked with a red asterisk * must be filled in.
There is a "save and continue" option, in case you wish to save your responses and return to them later.